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How to view your invoices and how to print them?

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How to view your Invoices?

Go to
2.- Search for the customer area and enter your data to access your customer file.
3.- Where it says "MY INVOICES" click.
4.- You will see a list of Invoices with the following data: -Invoice number.
-Date of the invoice and its expiration date.
-Total to pay.
-Invoice status (paid or unpaid).
-And in the last option you will have "view invoice" click on the link to view your invoice.
5.- Once you have opened your invoice go to the bottom of the page where it says "download" and click on the option "open" that will appear in the dialog window.
6.- Here you will be able to see your invoice, or you can save it in the file: save as; or print it.

How to print an invoice?

1.- Following step 6, how to view your invoices, once the invoice is open, go to Files to the option "print(P)" or click on the printer symbol(print) that appears in the toolbar.

2.- You can also go to your Emails, and look for the referrals to send pending invoices, and from there click on the link to open the invoice and print it from that site as well.

Si todavía tienes dudas, contacta con nosotros y te ayudamos.

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me han emitido la primera factura a mi nombre, cuando la necesito a nombre de la compañia, pueden cambiarmelo, y mas importante que debo hacer para que las futuras facturas vengan a nombre de la compañia.
un saludo
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